Training Events Calendar

The Safeguarding Board run regular online training sessions. Please check the calendar below for upcoming dates and booking details.

If you’d like to be notified when new training events are added, you can follow the event organisers on Eventbrite.

  • For ROI training, please click here and tap the Follow button.
  • For NI training, please click here and tap the Follow button.

Child Safeguarding Panel Training – Down and Dromore Diocese

All these session are online via Zoom. To book a place on any of these courses you must email Claire on An email with the Zoom link will be sent out on the day of the training. Although training sessions have specified particular dioceses, the sessions are open to all who are panel members […]

Adult Safeguarding Training – Down and Dromore Diocese

All these session are online via Zoom. To book a place on any of these courses you must email Claire on An email with the Zoom link will be sent out on the day of the training. Although training sessions have specified particular dioceses, the sessions are open to all who are panel members […]

Child Safeguarding Panel Training – Connor Diocese

All these session are online via Zoom. To book a place on any of these courses you must email Claire on An email with the Zoom link will be sent out on the day of the training. Although training sessions have specified particular dioceses, the sessions are open to all who are panel members […]

Adult Safeguarding Training – Connor Diocese

All these session are online via Zoom. To book a place on any of these courses you must email Claire on An email with the Zoom link will be sent out on the day of the training. Although training sessions have specified particular dioceses, the sessions are open to all who are panel members […]

Samaritans Online Information Session

Online - Please book a place using the Eventbrite link.

Every seven seconds, Samaritans answer a call for help.  They are there day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure. Established in Ireland in 1962, there are now 21 Samaritans branches across the country, with more than 2,000 active volunteers. Samaritans is not only for […]

Tusla Workshop on Child Safeguarding Statements (ROI)

Online - Please book a place using the Eventbrite link.

Under the Children First Act 2015 in the Republic of Ireland, organisations providing a relevant service, must undertake a risk assessment. This considers the potential for harm to come to children while they are in the organisation’s care. After the risk assessment has been completed, organisations are required to develop a Child Safeguarding Statement that […]

Child Safeguarding Statement Workshop (ROI)

Online - Please book a place using the Eventbrite link.

Under the Children First Act 2015 in the Republic of Ireland, organisations providing a relevant service, must undertake a risk assessment. This considers the potential for harm to come to children while they are in the organisation’s care. After the risk assessment has been completed, organisations are required to develop a Child Safeguarding Statement that […]

Child Safeguarding Statements Workshop (ROI)

Online - Please book a place using the Eventbrite link.

Under the Children First Act 2015 in the Republic of Ireland, organisations providing a relevant service, must undertake a risk assessment. This considers the potential for harm to come to children while they are in the organisation’s care. After the risk assessment has been completed, organisations are required to develop a Child Safeguarding Statement that […]

Child Safeguarding Statement Workshop (ROI)

Online - Please book a place using the Eventbrite link.

Under the Children First Act 2015 in the Republic of Ireland, organisations providing a relevant service, must undertake a risk assessment. This considers the potential for harm to come to children while they are in the organisation’s care. After the risk assessment has been completed, organisations are required to develop a Child Safeguarding Statement that […]

General Awareness Training in Adult Safeguarding ROI

Online - Please book a place using the Eventbrite link.

This training is available to parishes and dioceses across the Republic of Ireland and offers an overview of Adult Safeguarding practice in the Church of Ireland.

Adult Safeguarding Diocesan Panel Training (ROI)

Online - Please book a place using the Eventbrite link.

For new Diocesan adult safeguarding panel members or anyone who wants a refresher about their role on the diocesan panels.