ROI Adult Safeguarding
SECTION H: Complaints
The Church of Ireland has an ethos of inclusion, transparency and openness.
Anyone who has an issue relating to the Church of Ireland in connection with Adult Safeguarding can raise an enquiry or complaint through the Safeguarding Officer or if it is about them then through the Representative Church Body ( Any complaints regarding bishops or clergy in the context of adult safeguarding will be referred to the Complaints Administrator. This will then trigger the complaints procedure as laid out in the Constitution
of the Church of Ireland. Should the complaint require further investigation the Complaints Committee will sit to consider the matter. The Church of Ireland Dignity in Church Life Charter also outlines the support available to anyone who wishes to complain about a matter relating to the Church of Ireland.
All leaders-in-charge, volunteers and participants should be made aware of the complaints procedure either through the parish magazine/website or a notice clearly displayed in the church and church halls.