Adult Safeguarding Day
Adult Safeguarding Day takes place on Friday November 11, 2022.
The event is an initiative of Safeguarding Ireland in the Republic of Ireland and is supported by the HSE – in partnership with organisations across the health, social, financial and justice sectors including the Church of Ireland.
The aim of the day is to raise a greater awareness and understanding of safeguarding in order to
1) prevent adult abuse
2) respond to adult abuse.
What is Safeguarding?
- Safeguarding means putting measures in place to uphold our rights, to support our health and wellbeing, to reduce our risk of harm – and to empower us to protect ourselves.
- Safeguarding involves ourselves, our families, services and professionals all working together to prevent and respond to adult abuse, neglect or coercive control.
- Safeguarding means empowerment – that if we face challenges with our capacity, ability or independence our decisions are supported and respected.
The Church of Ireland has an Adult Safeguarding Policy in place since 2018 and has a zero-tolerance policy to all forms of abuse and harm.
As part of your commitment to respecting and promoting the human rights of all people, why don’t you sign up to the Safeguarding Ireland Adult Safeguarding Charter that outlines your commitment to adult safeguarding?
This voluntary Charter sets out how organisations, across a wide range of sectors, promote a culture that seeks to uphold the rights and freedoms of all people who engage with their organisations, regardless of age, race and ethnicity, religion or none, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic group, disability, or status of residency. This Charter aims to promote a raised awareness of Adult Safeguarding and progressive realisation of the human rights of all people by all of its signatories.
The Charter will act as a visible manifestation of each organisation’s statement of intent to adult safeguarding and can be displayed by the organisation in its premises and on its website.
The Charter is available in an accessible format and organisations can download the standard version or accessible version, or both.
For more information, please contact or you can find the Safeguarding Ireland website and register directly at